Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Directions are...

Before you cross the Deloraine bridge into the Del-Rock City Centre - Hang a left towards meander and keep following the road until you get to an intersection where Meander is straight ahead yet your road turns to the left. Go to Meander. Once in Meander keep following the road along, straight through and once you hit the gravel road keep going to you can go any further. then take the split rocks track but stay on the main wide path (walking once parked) and you'll hit the huntsmans hideaway.

So if this confuses you like it does me blame DALE! We will hopefully have some reception- if you need us call 0408 369 343, we should be there early.


Anonymous said...

I don't want to make things to complicated, but you can't get phone reception at the hut. And since Meander State Forest can be a little tricky to get around, if you don't know were you are going. It could be an idea to meet some were and go in together... or at least in groups.

Its more fun being lost if you are with your friends

Just an idea anyway.

Sounds like a good activity have fun.

Devonport Stake YSA said...

Hoping the next G might give us at least some coverage...we have to go in early so if you get lost PRAY!